Hello to all of you sew searchers :)

I am in the process of learning to sew and I am falling in love with it!

My first attempt at sewing....

My first attempt at sewing....
so by the looks of the things I was not a natural by any means..

Monday, November 15, 2010


My sewing machine is on it's way to washington state to get repaired. After an hour on the phone with a tech making me turn the machine on and off we came to the terrible decision that I would have to ship it to washington Yikes! I have a stack of christmas presents I was going to sew ahhhh. I guess I have to pull out my first machine and re-learn how to use that one. I am not a happy camper. I almost cried when my super handy hubby couldn't fix, he is my hero he can fix anything so when he couldn't fix this i knew something was very wrong. so WAH!

Monday, November 8, 2010

I loooove PJ pants!

Did I ever mention how much I  love PJ pants?! Well I do. I don't know if it's because they are so comfortable or...... is it because they are so easy to make? I think everyone is getting PJ pants for Christmas this year!

Don't you looove that kiddy fake smile! Yikes!
So in this picture I had not mastered the art of making the crotch  allowance area so they bunch up a bit in that area. No worries I got a pattern now and they look much better now. I promise I'll show you later.